Sunday, June 5, 2011

I Search Progress: Interview Questions

What is your position in the organization?
How many years of experience have you had working with people in need?
Why did you choose to become who you are today?
What is the majority demographic who seek your assistance?
How often do people come asking you for help in finding jobs?
What previous job, if any, have people had before coming to you for help?
What was their general income amount?
What is their education level? their parents?
Where is your first place of contact in search for open jobs for these people?
How often do they get accepted?
What type of expectations do people have when they visit you?
What is the maximum income they can achieve at their new position?
Do you see any correlation between race, gender, education level, and income?
How do you believe we can attribute the need of work to those factors and how can we prevent this from happening for future generations?
Can wage equity and economic parity ever be integrated into American society?

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